If you are looking to hire web developers, you might have noticed the cost of hiring varies widely. As technical talent can be located in different geographical locations make the comparison even harder. Salaries for web developers vary greatly from city to city and country to country.
To illustrate this, we compared salaries inclusive of average annual incomes of software developers in the US (Chicago, San Francisco, New York City, Boston), Norway, Australia, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, New Zealand, France, Israel, Switzerland, and the UK.
We also included in-depth details of developer salaries based on the most used technologies and their experience levels (entry-level, mid-career, and senior).
Salaries of Software Developers Worldwide
The United States of America is the highest paying country with an average salary of $90K. Switzerland with a Gross national income of 533 billion PPP dollars (2016) pays its developers an average salary of $82K.
Followed by Switzerland, is the Scandinavian country, Denmark with a Gross national income of 292.5 billion PPP dollars (2016) that pays its developers an average salary of $69K. Norway surrounding Denmark pays its software developers an average salary of $67K.
Israel with GDP per Capita equivalent to 268 percent of the world’s average. The developers in Israel get an average salary of $65K. Another Scandinavian country, Sweden pays its developers an average salary of $55K.
The United Kingdom made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland provide its software developers an average salary of $52K. Germany and Australia although geographically located continents offer similar pay to their developers with an average salary of $50K. The Netherlands, a country in northwestern Europe and Canada, a North American country pays its developers an average salary of $45K.
The Northern European nation bordering Sweden, Norway, and Russia, Finland pays its software developers an average salary of $43K. New Zealand as well provides the same pay as Finland. The French country with a Gross national income of 2.835 trillion PPP dollars, pays its software developers the least in the world with an average salary of $39K.

Average Software Developer Salary in the United States of America (USA)
According to Indeed’s salary calculator, developer salaries in the US range from about $60,956 to $116,983, with a median of $90,052 per year. The National Average Senior Web Developers Salary in the US is $113,601 as per Glassdoor.
Even though JavaScript is the most used technology in the world, JavaScript developers get comparatively less pay as opposed to C++ developers. C++ developers make $116K making them the highest paid developers in the US. The least pay of the lot goes to PHP developers. C# and .Net developers on the other side get a similar pay of $92K.

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The Average Salary of Senior Web Developers in the United States of America
San Francisco | $127,403 |
New York City | $106.375 |
Boston | $105,826 |
Chicago | $94,232 |
San Francisco has the highest average salary for senior web developers in the US. New York stands next to San Francisco, with an average salary of $127,403. The average salary received by web developers in Boston is $105,826.
Last to fall on the list is Chicago that provides the least average salary of $94,232. The National Average Senior Web Developers Salary in the US is $113,601. Even at this rate availability of qualified developers is a challenge for many startups and mid-size companies in large cities. This forces them to look for talent in other cities or countries to create virtual distributed teams.
We decided to look into a few other aspects aside from salary to see if the most used technologies had an impact on this amount.
More than 56,000 developers in 173 countries completed the Stack Overflow Developer Survey to answer some top queries related to software development. Below are the most-used technologies:
JavaScript | 55.4% |
SQL | 49.1% |
Java | 36.3% |
C# | 30.9% |
PHP | 25.9% |
Python | 24.9% |
C++ | 19.4% |
AngularJS | 17.9% (JavaScript) |
Node.js | 17.2% (JavaScript) |
C | 15.5% |
The survey also found what developers loved most:
Rust | 79.1% |
Swift | 72.1% |
F# | 70.7% |
Scala | 69.4% |
Go | 68.7% |
Clojure | 66.7% |
React | 66.0% |
Haskell | 64.7% |
Python | 62.5% |
C# | 62.0% |
Average Software Developer Salary in Switzerland
Switzerland is one of the world’s leading countries for information and communication technology (ICT). Accounting for approx. 8% of GDP, it ranks third worldwide after Japan and Sweden. Switzerland is home to about 13,500 ICT companies.
The JavaScript developers in this mountainous Central European country are next in line after C++ and .Net developers who make an average salary of $93K and $94K respectively. The least pay goes to PHP developers. While C# developers make an average salary of $81K, Java developers are a little more pricey and get an average salary of $83K.
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Average Software Developer Salary in Denmark
With an average gross profit growth of 37%, the IT industry is ranked as the third best-performing growth industry in Denmark. In 2014, the industry grew by more than 300 businesses to around 8,000 companies in total.
DotNet Developers are the highest paid developers in the Danish country. Both C++ and Java developers make get the same average salary of $70K. C# get the least pay as compared to Java and PHP developers who get $70K and $71$ respectively as their average salary.
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Average Software Developer Salary in Germany
Germany is the single largest software market in Europe. In 2013, the IT industry generated a revenue of roughly 74.7 billion euros.
C++ developers top the list of the highly paid software developers in the European country. .Net and Java developer earn fairly high with an average salary of $48K. Javascript developers, on the other hand, are the least paid of the lot with an average salary of $46K. C# and PHP developers, on the other hand, earn the same with an average salary of $47K.
Average Software Developer Salary in Israel
Information technology in Israel is one of the country’s most developed sectors. C++, .NET and JavaScript developers are the highest paid developers with an average salary of $66K. The Middle Eastern country on the Mediterranean Sea gives its C# developers an average salary of $65K. The least pay goes to PHP developers with an average salary of $40K. Java developers in the state of Israel get $56K as average salary.
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Average Software Developer Salary in Netherlands
The country known for a flat landscape of canals, tulip fields, windmills, and cycling routes has its C++ developers earning the highest with an average salary of $45K. JavaScript and Java developers are second on the list with an average salary of $44K.
While C# developers earn $42K and .Net developers make an average salary of $41K. Software development has emerged as the fastest growing segment in the Sector and is expected to grow at 5.3% while the overall IT sector is estimated to grow at 3% (Market Monitor, 2015). PHP developers are the least paid developers in the region.
Average Software Developer Salary in Sweden
Software products and IT services earn 32% of the turnover in IT-sector in the Scandinavian country. The advancement of the software products and IT services has significantly grown strong. The turnover has hiked 32.5% between the year 2005 and 2009.
.Net and Java Developers take home the highest pay with an average salary of $55K followed by JavaScript Developers who make $53K. C# developers get the least pay while C++ developers make slightly high with an average salary of $52K.
Average Software Developer Salary in the United Kingdom
According to High Fliers’ The Graduate Market report, starting salaries in IT are the same as the national median of £30,000. In the United Kingdom, JavaScript and Java developers take home the highest pay of $58K. As per Dice Job Market Report , top skills that recruiters searched for were the C and Java programming languages and the .Net software framework.
As per The Dice Job Market Report , Nearly a third of IT professionals worked in support roles (32%), compared with 17% in project management, 16% in development and 8% in consultancy. Among those surveyed, 36% earned between £20,000 and £40,000, the most common salary band. The least pay in the UK is for PHP developers with C++ developers earning slightly high with $52K as average salary.
Average Software Developer Salary in Finland
Finland with Gross national income 238.5 billion PPP dollars provides the highest salary to Java Developers. The technology industry is the most important export industry in Finland.
The highest pay in Finland goes to Java Developers followed by JavaScript Developers who earn $45K and $43K respectively as their average salary. While PHP developers in Finland take home an average salary of $42K,.Net developers make slightly lesser with $41K. C# developers make $40K while C++ developers make the least with only $39K as average monthly salary.

Average Software Developer Salary in Norway

Information and communication technology (ICT) is a large and rapidly growing industry that is becoming increasingly important to Norwegian commerce. The highest-paid developers in Norway are Java Developers who earn $67K as an average salary.
The least paid are JavaScript developers. Norwegian developers dealing with C++ and C# earn $65K while PHP developers here unlike in others take home an average of $66K. Norwegian .Net developers, on the other hand, earn $64K.

Conclusion: Comparing World Web Developer Salaries
Salaries of developers worldwide are pretty high when compared to countries like India and Ukraine. With the IT industry in India adding 600,000 jobs in the last three years.
Today, India boasts of a total employee base of 3.9 million which makes it the perfect destination for hiring software engineers, irrespective of the location of your head office. It is asserted that the employment potential and prospects in the IT and related sectors are robust and promising.
As more and more technology teams are virtual, it makes sense to hire developers where the talent is available and cost-effective.
All you would have to do is tell us what kind of tech skills you’re looking for and our highly skilled developers can assist you with your projects. You can connect with us and hire the best developers for your diverse technical needs. India IT companies currently serve two-thirds of the fortune 500 companies with expectations that 2.5-3 million new jobs will be created by 2025.