Liquid8 is a revolutionary new water credit trading platform that allows companies to buy and sell Water Conservation Credits WCCs. These credits are designed to help organizations offset their water usage and achieve water-neutral sustainability goals. On Liquid8, water savings companies can convert their water-saving efforts into WCCs, which are then validated and certified by a third-party organization for inclusion in the marketplace. This ensures that the credits are legitimate and accurately reflect the water savings achieved. Corporations looking to offset their water usage can then buy WCCs through the Liquid8 marketplace, instantly meeting their water-neutral sustainability goals. This is a convenient and cost-effective way for companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and take meaningful action to protect the planets water resources.
Armia Systems designed Liquid8 as a comprehensive water credit trading platform that provides a simple and convenient way for companies to offset their water usage and achieve their sustainability goals. Whether youre a water savings company looking to monetize your efforts or a corporation looking to offset your water footprint, Liquid8 has something to offer. Heres a more detailed look at how the Liquid8 platform works 1. Liquid8 works by implementing incentive-based water conservation programs for homes and businesses. These programs help participants save water, resulting in overall lower water usage. The water savings achieved through these programs are real and verifiable.2. The water savings achieved through Liquid8s programs are converted into Water Conservation Credits WCCs, which are then validated and certified by a third-party organization. This ensures that the credits accurately reflect the water savings achieved and are legitimate.3. Corporations looking to offset their water usage can purchase WCCs through Liquid8s secure marketplace. The platform offers a range of options for companies to review and choose from, including detailed information about the credits and their certifications. Once a transaction is complete, the WCCs are sent directly to the corporate buyer.4. Liquid8s system is designed to be secure and transparent, with anonymous and secure corporate pages that allow companies to review the available credits and place orders. This ensures that the process of offsetting water usage is straightforward and easy to understand.
Water credit trading, Net Zero, Sustainability, Eco Marketplace, monthly reporting, user profiles, organizational profiles, data curation, content management, Angular JS, Node JS, MongoDB, AWS EC2
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