MeKarti is an online marketplace platform that helps people from various traditions and ethnicities search for and buy products from their long-forgotten childhood memories. The CEO and Founder of Mekart is fascinated by traditional handmade crafts and wants them to be accessible to a broader audience. This is why he wanted to create a unique online marketplace full of nostalgia, where traditional artists and artisans list rare and unique items for buyers worldwide. Mekarti specializes in high-quality traditional crafts, including paintings, artworks, leather, jute, ornaments, and embroidery/stitching. It provides a platform for artisans to list items directly for a global audience, bypassing brokers and earning more in the process. This also benefits the users by providing a wide array of unique, handcrafted items they had no access to earlier.
Mekarti comprises unique dashboards for the customer, the seller, and the administrator, each with its own unique login modules. The customer and selling applications are user-facing; the administrative module has been designed with unique requirements for managing the entire platform. All Mekarti products come with a detailed information page, which the customers can access to learn about the item and its seller. Users must complete the registration process to successfully buy a product and make a payment on the website. Similarly, artists can also register on the platform and list their products. The console provides access to all necessary sections, including the 'add products' page, 'reviews & rating' page, and settings pages. The sellers can view customer requests and receive an SMS once a customer places an order. Mekarti administrators can manage both customers and artists on their platform with the client management console.
E-commerce, Artisans, Traditional handcrafts, Artists, MarketPlace, Shopping, PHP, MySQL, Apache, Linux, AWS Cloud.
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