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Client Overview

MyColLife is the World's first Student Social Relationship Management (SRM) platform and connects high school students with career paths and college selection for their life after high school. Currently, more than 100 high schools across the US actively use this platform. This award-winning EdTech startup is based in Chicago, IL.

Project Description

MyColLife is the world's first educational platform, combining College and Career Planning, Social Network, and Social Relationship Management (SRM) exclusively for students. The portal offers the 3.3 million students entering higher education and the 32 million existing higher education students the tools, resources, and services using a comprehensive student-centered platform. The portal also enables students to make informed decisions and map out their degree and career goals. These services include personality assessment (Carl Jung, Myers Briggs, and Holland Code), degree and college selection, student networking, and group learning. Features also include access to college resources (student portal, academic support, instructional technology), and collaboration with companies and recruiters.

MyColLife Vision:

Imagine every student landing their dream college experience and career based on their personality, goals, budget, and desires while using student social engagement and collaborative learning.

MyColLife Mission:

Provide technology services that empower students to plan, prepare, and engage in accomplishing their educational and career goals. When students join MyColLife, they get to create their student portfolio, achieve STEM growth through collaboration, access fellow students, smart scholarships, student Wiki, career planning, and much more.

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Website Features

Timeline, Networking, Groups, Communities, Media Management, Education, PHP, Angular, Linux, Cloud

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